Wednesday, November 4, 2009

CareTeam & CPS

In addition to our Summer of Service Program we are so thankful for the opportunities to blend our volunteer events with Service Learning Curriculum happening at Chicago Public High Schools throughout the school year.

In our events dealing with Hunger & Homelessness we've had great new connections with young Service Leaders in our programs and a lot of new thank-yous!

Thank YOU to,
  • Northside College Prep for hosting a Day of Service and including both our (g)love program and Dignity Diner programs in your day. Students were able to support the programs at their school site.
  • Students & Leaders of the Mather High School Debate Team for joining us each week at Dignity Diner Art.
  • DuSable Campus Community School for bringing (g)love to their afterschool fashion design program.

We are thankful for the opportunities to invite your student's voices into our programs and provide them with real-life experiences that round-out their classroom study.

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