Thursday, July 2, 2009

Prosser HS & Kelvyn Park HS @ Hines VA Center

Today I went to the Hines VA Center in Hines Illinois with ten students from Prosser Career Academy and ten students from Kelvyn Park High School. The twenty students spent time hanging out with veterans and passing out bags with toiletries. Not all of the veterans were in the hospital because of recent injuries, some served in World War Two, Korea and Vietnam was well as in Iraq and Afghanistan.

As some of our students are involved with JROTC at their high school, it was really valuable for them to spend time with others who have served in various branches of the military. It was great to see students become engaged in conversations with servicemen who had worked in fields they were also interested in, such as research in aerodynamics or becoming a helicopter pilot.

Some students were interested in which branches they served in and where and others were more interested in discussing sports. The veterans at Hines are not all necessarily from the greater Chicagoland area and there were some hearty baseball discussions. It was especially valuable to spend time with veterans right before the Fourth of July!

One of the most important changes I was able to observe was a change in the students from nervous and unsure to confident and curious. At first, they were uncertain what questions to ask and why these veterans might want someone to sit and talk to them for a few minutes. However, once they became to realize that not everyone had family close they became more interested in providing companionship and company.

One big thank you to all of our veterans for their service to us and to Kim at the Volunteer Services department for making this day a success!

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