Friday, June 19, 2009

Post-its & Preparations

There's a bulletin board next to my desk that's covered in post-it notes.

Each one is a confirmed service opportunity for a group of Chicago Public High School incoming freshmen. From a blank board a month ago over the board is now nearly full. Passing co-workers and interns stop and read the board each day and comment on the changes, "I've never been there!" and "They're going here?! That's AWESOME!"

It is awesome.

In partnership with Chicago Cares, CRFC and Chicago Public Schools - Service Learning Department, students are able to complete their 40 hour Service Learning Requirement and Freshman Connection Program in our collaborative program, Summer of Service & Leadership.

To those involved its more than completing requirements and much more about youth engaging in direct service in their local communities, discussing policy, developing youth leaders and each school creating a civic engagement project or initiative that they lead.

Looking over the post-it notes, it is exciting. VA Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Domestic Violence Shelters, Forest Preserves, Community Gardens, Community Food Pantries, Parks, Youth Centers. Beyond the variety of places, the excitement is the incredible amount of potential for a student to connect with someone or something that will change them, empower them, or humble them.

In the next five weeks, over 200 CPS Students will be engaging in some of their first direct service and in doing so discover strengths, weaknesses, people and opportunities. This could spark to new interests, hobbies, jobs, careers or if nothing more simply new mindsets about the people they serve and seeing themselves as active participants in their community.

We hope you'll check back regularly, see what they're doing, hear from them and follow our Summer of Service and Leadership.

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