Monday, August 24, 2009

(Not) Squishy Bananas

Apples and bananas filled the bags this morning at Traveling Food Circus! One of our younger volunteers spent much of his time sifting through bananas and strawberries taking out 'squishy' ones.

Because of the generous donations by both Whole Foods and Trader Joe's, all 35 families were able to take home meat, fresh vegetables, a variety of fruit and lots of bread. A few lucky dogs will even get some treats!

As always, the CareTeam owes a big thank you to our wonderful volunteers! It is because of their hard work and continued dedication that we are able to provide this food to local families. Join us next Monday! For more information or to sign up see our webpage at

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dignity Diner ART - Week 2

Dignity Diner is in the Holy Covent United Methodist Church every Tuesday night at 6PM and CareTeam provides arts programing for the patrons after the meal.

We busted out the artistic skills to create new projects for the patrons at Dignity Diner! Past weeks have included painting, drawing and 'stained' glass. We used wood framed glass panels and covered them with glue and tissue paper to create the effect of stained glass. Patrons loved that they could mix colors and papers to create a layered look!

Of course, some of our artists are naturals at painting and drawing. Last night, we worked self-portraits in the style of Picasso. After folding a sheet of paper in half and drawing on both halves it was great to see the two sides come together as one image!

We are looking forward to an art show in the middle of October! Other projects in the pipeline include multi-media night, poetry night and a much anticipated pottery night. Soon we will have a visiting photographer come and explain the basics and hopefully get us started on our 'A Day in the Life..." project.
Keep checking back for more updates and feel free to email us at or comment with suggestions, ideas or donation information!